Friday, January 21, 2011

Yes, You Should Take a Test

One of the big mantras around Academic Approach is "Take a practice test." We really believe that these tests are as important as the teaching we provide. Taking a test is the best way to prepare yourself for...well, the test.

Now there is scientific data to back it up. A new article in the Journal Science, as reported in the New York Times, claims that people who take a test about what they have just read retain up to 50 percent more of that information a week later than people who just study notes. 

So instead of just trying to memorize what you have written down, maybe it would be better to create a test for yourself. If there are questions at the end of a chapter in your textbook, you would be better off answering those questions than making flash cards for an hour so you could passively stare at them. 

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