Friday, March 18, 2011

SAT Essay Prompt Causes Controversy

For people who took the SAT on March 13, the essay question might have seemed a bit out of the ordinary. In what is usually an open-ended question that allows students to discuss literature, history, or current events, the prompt featured a more narrowly focused question concerning reality television. 

While the College Board has stood by this decision, others are scratching their heads. For a test that hopes to reveal a student's scholarship, why ask students about the lowest common denominator in popular culture. 

At the same time, we all know that we have to play the hand that was dealt to us. Students should follow the same structural groundwork for the essay regardless of how puerile the question might seem. Include an introductory paragraph, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to have a definitive argument and use specific examples to support that argument in the body paragraphs. The conclusion should not reiterate what you previously stated, but manage to take a bird's eye view of the topic and connect your dots to a larger picture. 

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